




Jinzheng Group was founded他術 in 1997. In the 1990s, 做如it was famous all over China for its DV東有D players. It was honored to可不 become a leading enterprise in t草市he disc player indus器中try. After 23 years of d廠友evelopment, the enterprise has become 議爸a brand centered, diversified 黑銀home appliance enterprise.


Jinzheng Company has always adhered to 黑秒the enterprise spirit會男 of "true gold is not afraid of f國好ire", provided high-quali白紙ty products like real go鐘很ld for public consumption, and cons子文tantly challenged higher and better 森鐵production techniques and關術 modern management concepts上去 to meet the impact of 視見today's market on tra通商ditional industries.


In addition to stabilizing the ex又得isting industry and maintaining its bra你見nd, Cashier Group also vi機還gorously aims to invest 答東in and expand industries across region森務s and industries, hoping to fo呢外rm a new industrial cha老喝in in a macro sense, so that the Group 行紅can seek development from 章民stability and breakthrough f雜坐rom development.



1997 years

Established in 1997

20000 +

More than 20000 square me身黑ters

500 +

More than 500 employee票妹s

100 +

More than 100 countrie哥坐s around the world

Business content

Jinzheng Company is a high-化窗tech enterprise integra匠森ting scientific researc懂空h, production, trade and investmen美文t. It was founded on April 2, 1白書997


The company now has Gua到你ngzhou Jinzheng Audio and Video新場 Equipment Co., Ltd.,聽工 Zhongshan Jinzheng Kitchen an很體d Toilet Equipment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen現火 Jinzheng Audio and Video Edu地輛cation Technology Co., Ltd很北., Jinzheng Refrigerator Busines報理s Department, Jinzheng 草玩Washing Machine, Drinking Machi謝吃ne Business Department, and Ji頻慢nzheng Repeater Business Department來用, and has launched 12 series of Ji費新nzheng products, forming an intensi店的ve industrial chain of home appliance都器s led by DVD products, which ca間慢n meet the consumer demand of nation服話al home appliances in an all愛懂-round way, and the products理錯 are sold well all over the world. Fr日習om 2003 to 2007, the sales volume南雨 of disc players ranked among the to作鐵p three in China for several consec新可utive years.


The "Jinzheng" brand has become a 站什Chinese, national and consumer 店雨favorite brand. With the continuou醫一s innovation and development of 鐵黑the enterprise, "Jinzheng" has bec上西ome an excellent natio頻家nal brand with high scient中校ific and technological content.



On April 2, 2007, on the occasion of th在身e tenth anniversary of the founding中短 of Jinzheng Company, 服男Xu Jialu, Vice Chairman of the Standin文在g Committee of the National Peop知去le's Congress, sent a congratulator說房y message: It has greatly encourage國風d Jinzheng Enterprises.



About us






Talent development


Social responsibility


Zhuhai Jinzheng Tech鄉熱nology Co., Ltd


 Address:Xinqin議舊g 6th Road, Xinqing S區車cience and Technology Ind湖姐ustrial Park, Doumen Distr低些ict, Zhuhai, Guangdong     






Address:Xinqing 6th Ro醫文ad, Xinqing Science and Tec子兒hnology Industrial Park, Doumen Dist山放rict, Zhuhai, Guangdong &nb筆分sp;   



COPYRIGHT © 2022 Zhu視火hai Jinzheng Technolo也腦gy Co., Ltd.   ALL RIGHTS R銀劇ESERVED. 
