Brand definition
With "Jinzheng" as the brand,但草 it expresses Jinzheng'玩能;s corporate philosophy.
"Gold" represents excellent quality a學亮nd value;
"Zheng" expresses the b答秒ehavior principle of the e草作nterprise and Jinzheng people.
"Gold" is valued and respected, and 機線is the best, which means that it ha購男s a noble and perfect 從刀corporate image. There i算學s a good way to operate, w門數hich is based on "integrity", integrit玩電y, correctness and fairness.
The word "positive" me東舞ans that the enterprise's thought 高自and behavior are "positive". "Tru我飛e gold is not afraid of f錢短ire" has become the symbol of the enter這理prise and the embodiment of the enter工火prise culture and core 慢工value.
With the letter "NIN" (NINTAUS) as行科 the modeling structure, it deliberat商如ely emphasizes the standardized a店坐nd rigorous attitude, th朋朋e enterprise spirit of "dream, trust, 站來innovation" and the noble and perfe熱歌ct enterprise image.
Reflect its image as an 體見innovator in the digital age 日說who ignites passion, g黑匠athers strength, is determined線友 to innovate, has excellen河喝t quality and provides章鐵 high-quality services